Monday, November 19, 2012

Dear Fifth Business,

It's been many years since I read the classic by Robertson Davies but I've been thinking about it a lot lately. You're an interesting concept, Fifth Business. The idea that the primary role of some people is to move the action forward in other people's lives. Like the man who makes a comment that resonates deeply with a woman and inspires her to enter politics. Or the girl who helps a boy realize he's finally ready to have a woman in his life, but just not her.
Now don't get me wrong, Fifth Business. It's good to be helpful. It's an honour to contribute to the building of someone else's dream. But to always be the sidekick? To always be the friend and never the star? Doesn't everyone deserve the chance to be the main character? In every life, shouldn't the story actually be about that person once in a while? Perhaps it's time to divvy up the action, Fifth Business. Perhaps it's time to be fair.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dear Insecurity,

I am deeply ashamed of how completely I've allowed you to control my life. Every step I haven't taken, every word I haven't written, every romance I've destroyed, you Insecurity have been behind it all. You're the voice whispering incessantly in my ear, telling me I can't, I will fail, I'm not good enough, he could never love me.
I know what I'm supposed to do, Insecurity. I'm supposed to make a pretty speech about how I will muster the strength and courage to overcome you. But you've been working on me for over three decades and I'm feeling a little spent. I have no pretty speeches for you at the moment. They say, though, the first step in overcoming a problem is to recognize you have one. So be on notice, Insecurity. I have recognized you.
