Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dear Ryan Reynolds,

I was deeply saddened to hear of the end of your marriage to Scarlett Johansson. If you need anything please don't hesitate to call. Any little thing at all. Seriously. Just one Canadian helping another during a difficult time.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dear God,

I'd like to reassure You about something. Of course, You're all-knowing so it's not really necessary, but I'd like to put it in writing anyway. I believe in You God. There could easily be some confusion about this, seeing as I'm such an admirer of Christopher Hitchens and he's such a devout atheist. What I admire about the man is his command of the English language. He weaves his words so skillfully and powerfully. Every time I read something by him I feel I'm attending a master class in the art of writing. I agree with many of his ideas, including his issues with organized religion. But I disagree with Mr. Hitchens when it comes to Your existence. I know You are there God. I'm not sure how I know. I just do.
As You know, I grew up Catholic. It's not popular these days to admit this but I actually enjoyed growing up in the church. My experience of it wasn't restrictive or repressive but rather welcoming and comforting. I'm not sure if I struck the Catholic school jackpot or if I was just blissfully ignorant, but I have wonderful memories of those days. But it was at this time that I began to understand there is a world of difference between religion and You. Soon after I became an altar server there was media coverage about the pope not allowing females to serve on the altar while he said mass. I remember hearing this and realizing that if the pope ever dropped by our church I wouldn't be allowed on the altar because I was a girl. And somehow at that young age I immediately understood that it had nothing to do with You. I knew You didn't think less of me for being a girl. It was just human foolishness. It was just religion.
As I've grown older and learned a thing or two I've come to understand that many of the world's most devastating problems have been caused by people attempting to claim You. That's why a writer like Christopher Hitchens is so necessary. He exposes the hypocrisies and dangers of organized religion. He reminds us of the regrettable fact that while extolling the virtues of love and tolerance most religions wind up breeding an overwhelming number of closed-minded and judgmental bigots. Or worse. But that has nothing to do with You. I'm not sure how I know that or why I'm so certain of it. I just am.
So to sum up God, I believe in You. And I look forward to seeing You one day. But not too soon of course! And don't worry, I'm not arrogant enough to insist that You be exactly as I've imagined You. Whomever or whatever You turn out to be, it will be a pleasure to meet You.
